Strengthen Your Immune System, Naturally

holistic medicine san diego

When your body comes across a bacteria or virus, a strong and healthy immune system immediately goes into action like an army marching into battle. Once the immune system launches its "attack" on the virus, the body "remembers" that particular virus and is able to respond more quickly the next time it encounters it.

What can you do to help protect your health and keep your immune system strong?

The approach of integrative and natural/holistic medicine is ideally suited to prevention and protection from infections because it focuses on strengthening the body's innate healing ability (immunity) through evidence-based interventions. This includes embracing healthy habits, such as eating well, use of nutritional or herbal supplements, drinking pure water, and daily exercise.

A Healthy Diet

  • Switch to a diet consisting of primarily whole foods, locally/organically grown whenever possible, and rich in a variety of natural colors and nutrients. Increase your intake of fish and/or fish oil, fruits, legumes, and vegetables and reduce or eliminate sugar, processed foods, fast foods, etc.

  • Add more "cruciferous" vegetables to your snacks and meals, especially broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale, which are naturally high in indole-3- carbinol (I3C). Clinical studies show that this compound has the potential to interfere with the way many viruses reproduce.

  • Go easy on the alcohol. In addition to decreasing your capacity to make good decisions, alcohol has been shown to decrease function in important immune pathways.

  • Stay hydrated to support the cellular processes that your body relies on for building, maintaining, and repairing its systems.

  • Consume foods high in Vitamin C, D, A, Zinc, and Omega 3.

    • Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bell peppers, spinach, cabbage, dark leafy greens, tomatoes, and squash.

    • Vitamin D

    • Vitamin A

    • Zinc

    • Omega 3

Nutritional & Herbal Supplements

When natural supplements are used therapeutically by holistic doctors to treat illness, they are often dosed higher than the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). This is acceptable for short periods of time. Remember, the RDA is what is recommended to prevent symptoms of deficiency in the majority of people.

For example, a Vitamin C deficiency can lead to a disease called scurvy. Makes you think of pirates, right? Well, passengers aboard ships used to have diets that were totally devoid of any citrus fruits and therefore deficient in Vitamin C. While the body does not require a large amount of Vitamin C to prevent scurvy, it does require considerably more of this nutrient when using the vitamin to boost immune function.

It’s also important to remember the difference in how much of a vitamin or herb children and adults need to take. Another factor to consider is the amount of a certain micronutrient that a person needs also depends on how much of it a person consumes in food and drink each day. Finally, there are limits to how much of a particular herb or substance one can consume in a given time period. Some things are meant only for short-term use. . The USDA has gathered this information and it can be found here.

When using natural medicines, it is always a good idea to work with a Naturopathic Doctor or holistic health practitioner who has expertise in addressing and treating a wide range of health conditions, using diet and supplements therapeutically, and for individualized treatment plans for your unique needs.

The following nutritional and herbal supplements have been shown to help support immune function in general and in particular, for coronaviruses.

  • Vitamin C - can boost immune function and shorten the duration of viral symptoms.

  • Zinc - is essential for immune function and can be helpful with initial symptoms and can shorten the duration of a viral illness. Typically given as a dissolving lozenge.

  • Selenium - has been shown to be helpful in supporting immune function.

  • Vitamin A - helps the immune system by maintaining the integrity of the mucus membranes in addition to being part of the adaptive (long term) immune response.

  • Vitamin D - works to decrease inflammation and support immune function.

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids - these naturally decrease inflammation to support the immune system.

  • Herbs: Echinacea, Andrographis, Astragalus, and Elderberry are known to stimulate and balance the part of the immune system that deals with viruses.

  • Probiotics protect the gut flora associated with immunity.

Sleep Soundly

  • Sleep is a critical player in keeping your immune system victorious through a pandemic along with healthy stress management and maintaining healthy body weight. Keep a sleep routine with the same bedtime and wake-time for the majority of the week. Use room darkening blinds if you work nights.

  • Napping during stressful times can improve memory, energy, and focus.

Stay Physically Fit

Physical activity has a host of positive benefits including stress reduction; optimizing sleep; keeping the heart and lungs strong; managing a healthy body weight; improving strength, flexibility, and balance; and supporting immune function.

  • The minimum recommendation from the World Health Organization is 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity that is broken up into five 30-minute sessions.

  • "Physical activity" could include activity you perform at your job (construction work, waiting tables); a hobby (gardening); a leisure activity (fishing, golfing)

  • "Exercise" specifically refers to activity designed to improve one or more of the following pillars of fitness: strength, cardiovascular/aerobic, balance, flexibility.

Maintain Social-Emotional Wellness

Social-emotional wellness (SEW) encompasses many things. I hope you'll consider some of these unique ideas that can sustain your wellbeing during this pandemic.

  • Recreate Your Morning Ritual.  We're pretty familiar with the advice to start your day with a few minutes of meditation, gratitude journaling, or mindful movement. In addition to doing those things more often, do these 2 things less:

  1. Scanning your email or news feed before your head even lifts from your pillow in the AM.

  2. Turning on the news or scrolling while dressing or eating.

  • Moderate the amount of news and social media you consume throughout the day. Too much of this can make you feel anxious or depressed. Turn off devices by 9 PM because the blue light emitted by devices can suppress melatonin secretion and spoil your sleep. Take a "mobile/device fast" one day per week.

  • Create a working-from-home sanctuary space. If you're working from home, create a spot at your desk that has visual reminders of things that relax you. In another corner of your home, create a sanctuary space where you can chill. Even if this means just walking out to your back or front porch, striking a yoga pose, or opening the front door for a few minutes of fresh air--do it! Also, be sure to take a lunch break away from your workspace.

  • Spend time in nature. Try to spend at least 30 minutes outdoors each week (if possible, without carrying your phone). Research shows that increasing time spent in nature proportionally increases a sense of wellbeing and reduces stress.

  • Do Good for Others. Volunteering during a pandemic looks different: You're less likely to be hands-on at a shelter, soup kitchen, or community collection site but you can virtually mentor a student, be a homework helper, or even do virtual visits with homebound seniors or hospice patients through landline or video-chat. Animal lovers may still be able to volunteer at a shelter, manage donations/collections, or even rescue a pup or kitty.

  • Share your Ability:  Are You Handy about the House? Volunteer in your neighborhood to help overwhelmed parents with minor home repairs.

  • Learn Something New. Turn on YouTube for an hour and learn to crochet, knit, or bake sourdough bread. You can even learn to play the piano or guitar, or paint!

Want to go deeper?
Check out my Immune System webinar and get a free copy of my Guide to Decreasing Your Toxic Load Ebook!

Need some extra support when it comes to your health? Book a virtual wellness consultation with me here. These 40-minute sessions provide a complete assessment of your health so that I can provide you with concrete steps you can take to feel better NOW.