What are the Best Supplements for Immune Health?

naturopath san diego

Which vitamins might protect your respiratory and immune health this winter?

That’s a question researchers in the UK recently asked….and answered!

Surveys from 6000+ adults across the UK between 2008 and 2016 looked at vitamin intake (from food and supplements) compared with respiratory illnesses. They found fewer respiratory complaints in people with:

🥕 Higher intake of vitamin A from food or supplements 

🥦 Higher intake of vitamin E from food or supplements 

💊 Higher intake of vitamin D from supplements

This study adds to the growing stack of research linking vitamin D with immune and respiratory health! Plus, we cannot ignore the importance of a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. 

Here is my best formula suggestion for an all-in-one daily dose of immune protection. You can feel empowered to maintain good immune and respiratory system health.

Daily Immune Support Packets- these convenient daily packs are the superstar in my eyes, containing NAC, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Immunitone Plus Herbal Formula. You don’t need to buy separate formulas with this kit. It contains 30 servings (a one month supply) for those times when you cannot risk falling ill!

Look—there’s no guarantee against getting a respiratory infection this winter. The best thing you can do is build up your defenses to give your body the absolute BEST chance for fending off whatever it encounters. 

Every person is unique. If you want personalized recommendations to boost your respiratory defenses in the upcoming months, we’d love to help.