Happiness is an Inside Job


What flavor of joy do you bring to your life?

Would you like to have more of it?

Inner peace, self-worth, and self-love are an inside job. These qualities never come from other people and their opinions of you, nor from the outer world in any certain way.⁠

Healing and what I love to call "Up-Leveling” happen when you understand & honor, then finally let go of the past, all hurts and injustices, all people and situations that caused pain.

All of this is an inside process.

This is why I say that the temple doors are made of eyelids.  The deep work happens within.

When you close your eyes, quiet your mind, and connect with your inner-most self, your soul will guide you. From this field of awareness, life moves forward with such ease and grace that you might question why it was such an uphill battle in the beginning!

This is the path to a more joyful, positive, and fulfilled life- a life filled with magic, miracles, and abundance. 💚

Trust that your higher self will draw to you the perfect circumstances, relationships, and situations that allow you to flourish and grow.

It absolutely will.⁠

And that's total soul alignment 💫 being in the sacred flow of the Universe!

Get quiet and listen to the wisdom of your heart. Be open to receiving from the abundant Universe and all your needs will be provided for and more.

With love,

Dr. Marissa

PS… Actually, this is one reason I created my transformational mentorship program. It has a built-in “upleveling” when you follow the plan. Believe it or not, you can actually change your beliefs, as deep-seated as they might seem!

I KNOW that sounds impossible. But it's not. And you can experience it for yourself. The first step is booking a Clarity Call here.

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