The Power of Shungite: Protection & Purification

Dr. Marissa Castello Tucson Gem Show Lady Retreat

This shiny, black mineraloid is revered as a healing stone that can help in purifying environments and detoxifying the body.

Shungite is an ancient stone said to be around 2 billion years old! It is primarily found in the Shunga region of Russia, where people have been bathing in and drinking Shungite-infused water, reaping its benefits since the 1700s.

In its purest form, Shungite contains fullerenes, which are crystalline carbon atoms that have been found to clean water, earning the scientists studying it a Nobel Prize.

Shungite is a beautiful black stone and, like Tourmaline, black stones are considered protection stones. It’s a powerful grounding stone associated with the Muladhara (Root) Chakra. This Chakra is known as the “survival center”, and is connected with feelings such as safety and security. 

Shungite works so well at keeping negativity away that it also shields you from electromagnetic radiation given off by electronic equipment, such as cell phones, laptops, and wi-fi.

Because if it’s great shielding capabilities, Shungite is a great stone for those who have developed a sensitivity to electronics. Keep it close to your workspace to minimize the effects of positive ions from electronic devices or to help ground you when you’re feeling a little spacey or having trouble focusing on completing a task at hand. I keep a small stone on a cord under my blouse when I am traveling or in a big city.

On a metaphysical level, Shungite also works to cleanse and purify your body and environment of negativity, dysfunctional patterns, and emotional difficulties. It is said that it can even be used to rid your life of toxic people and bad luck. This particular stone is also very beneficial to overall mental health as it has a calming effect that soothes depression, anxiety, and stress.

Check out this beautiful Karelia Shungite Pendant stone as a perfect way to carry Shungite’s protective and cleansing qualities with you wherever you go.

With love,

Dr. Marissa

P.S. ~ Want to learn more about gemstones and their healing properties while connecting with other like-minded amazing women? Join me for the Tucson Gem Show Lady Retreat in January 2020.
More information and details are HERE!

Dr. Marissa Castello Tucson Gem Show Lady Retreat

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