Grip Strength and Cognitive Decline 

Declining mental function with age can be so subtle that it’s easy to miss.

But what if your muscles could be a window to your mind?

A new study suggests that handgrip strength may be an indicator of cognitive decline in older adults. 

energy medicine practitioners

The study analyzed more than 17,000 seniors. Compared with those who had symmetric and strong handgrip strength:

👉 Those with one hand that was stronger than the other had a 15% increased odds of cognitive decline

👉 Those with weak grip strength had a 65% increased odds of cognitive decline

👉 Those with BOTH weakness and asymmetrical grip strength had a 95% increased odds of cognitive decline

The most curious finding was that people who had much stronger grip strength in their NONDOMINANT hand were at the highest risk of cognitive decline. 

The researchers think that muscle strength in the hands might link to neural circuits that also relate to brain health...but we don’t know for sure. 

While all of this is intriguing, it’s important to know that grip strength is NOT a standard test for cognitive health. If you have any concerns, there are other tests and evaluations that your doctor can run to screen for cognitive decline. 

Please reach out if you have any concerns about mental and cognitive health. there are so many lifestyle and dietary factors that play into this intricate and complex system. Therapies like Energy Medicine and Craniosacral Therapy can also be incredibly helpful in aging well!

We’re here to help!