Getting Back on Track After You Fall Off

I fall off the health wagon time and time again. Perfection is boring and I'd prefer to live it up!

I’ve been traveling in Europe and for me, this means excessive:
🔸Bread🔸Cheese 🔸Wine 

But, I can only handle so much of this decadence before my body starts speaking to me!

But no stress…Fall off, just get back on...

It’s OK once in a while. Live your life. Each day is a new opportunity to make health promoting choices!

Because eating healthy is a way of life and not just a temporary diet, there will be times when you too will eat less healthy than at other times. There will also likely be times when it feels like you have completely lost your way.

Here are 5 tips on how to get back on track when you have been derailed from eating healthy for whatever reason:

Dr. Marissa Castello- Getting Back on Track After You Fall Off
  1. Don’t Beat Yourself Up
    First and foremost. This is so important to help promote a healthy, not an obsessive, relationship with food. Nobody is perfect ALL the time and we all indulge now and then. If you find yourself indulging in self-loathing after falling off track with eating healthy, it is time to stop. Think of all the things you do right, and go from there. Choosing to love and respect yourself even when you are not perfect is the quickest way to deal positively with the situation at hand. And remember…this is a marathon, not a sprint.

  2. Reassess Your Action Plan
    Perhaps there’s a chance that your particular eating plan may not be working well for you. Are you restricting yourself too much? Are you skipping a meal that comes at a time when you truly need nourishment? Maybe you’re going out too often to restaurants with your friends who tempt you to eat poorly and indulge? Each time you aren’t happy with your eating choices, it’s a chance to reassess what you are doing, and whether or not it is working. Take this time to reflect and make adjustments.

  3. Make a List of the Reasons You Love Eating Healthy
    As they say, the grass is always greener on the other side. Sometimes when you are dedicated to healthy eating, you feel as though you miss your old way of eating. The fact is, when you eat well, there are soooo many benefits that come from it! Sit down and list them out in a journal or piece of paper… everything from feeling proud of yourself in your new size of jeans to not feeling bloated, to enjoying your new abundance of energy.

  4. Think about How You Feel Both Ways (REALLY think and feel)
    Make comparisons in regards to how you feel when you eat healthy, and when you are not. Maybe you wake up with a ton of energy and feeling ready to tackle life, whereas you feel groggy and cannot get out of bed when you are eating junk. Go through every aspect of your life and compare that aspect when it comes to a healthy eating day versus a day filled with unhealthy choices. You will soon realize how many areas of your life are affected by your eating habits.

  5. Keep Exercising
    Your eating habits are only part of the story. Another major part is exercising. Even if you feel like you’ve temporarily fallen apart when it comes to how you eat, you can keep control of exercising daily and putting in your best effort. The way you feel after exercising will help give you a boost and can be enough to get you back on track with your program. You’ll also feel a difference in the amount energy you have while exercising depending on how you fuel your body. This can also be enough motivation to start eating well again. (re-visit #4 above).

Eating well is not always easy. There will be events, holidays, and even friends who tempt you to stop putting in the effort you deserve to give to yourself and your body. But if you realize what’s happening and can put a few of these tips back into action, you’ll be back on track and feeling great in no time!

With love,

Dr. Marissa

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