Bach Rescue Remedy for Stress Relief

This gentle remedy contains 5 essential ingredients that make it an absolute lifesaver!

Dr. Marissa Castello- Bach Rescue Remedy for Stress Relief

The development of homeopathic medicine began in the late 18th century by a German physician by the name of Samuel Hahnemann. His belief in healing and medicine went well beyond Western practices and his research led him to find a popular notion, that “like-attracts-like.”  

Dr. Edward Bach, who worked closely with Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, continued to research even deeper into the world of homeopathy and eventually into vibrational medicine.  He ultimately created several of his own remedies from flowers in his English garden.

Bach’s flower remedies work similarly to homeopathic medicine, however, they also implement the gifts of intuition and vibration. The energetic essence of the flowers diluted in their solutions has a specific effect on each person.  In other words, you could find your most aligned compatibility by using your intuition- holding a specific remedy close to your heart and being open to a message. If you feel happy and attracted to the remedy, that formula was meant for you.

As Dr. Bach’s research continued to develop, he found a series of plants and flowers that worked across the board, for all types of individuals and circumstances involving trauma or fright. These have been combined into one potent remedy.  This became his most famous formula and it has since been used by people worldwide.

This well-known Five Flower Remedy is used by many as an all-around calming agent for some of the most common issues we experience in our modern world: stress, anxiety, and sometimes even panic. It’s especially helpful getting us through stressful situations, from interviews to first dates to cope with the aftermath of an accident or bad news. 

The five flowers included in the Bach Rescue Remedy are all-encompassing for helping virtually anyone relax, get focused, and obtain the much-needed feeling of calm.

 The five flowers are: 

1. Cherry Plum

Cherry plum works to calm irrational fear, such as the fear that one might experience harm or a loss of control. Cherry plum works to alleviate the feeling that everything is out of place and something terrible may happen.

2. Clematis

Clematis helps people who are not grounded in the present moment, whose minds drift and daydream. This type of thinking can lead to an unexpected form of reality and may affect a person’s ability to stay present and happy. Clematis helps bring them back to themselves so they can build a better life in the present, rather than in their daydreams.

3.  Impatiens 

Impatiens works against impatience and irrationality - it’s name is suggestive enough! Those who are in a general rush, moving forward at an impenetrable speed, possibly disorganized and knocking into or rolling over those who are in their way find Impatiens to be quite helpful. Impatiens helps calm these individuals, helping them be more relaxed and less hasty. 

4.  Rock Rose 

Rockrose works to alleviate terror and panic that makes conscious thought and decision to the next step difficult. Those in this state of mind may feel as if all is ending and nothing is achievable. This flower essence provides calm and courage, the exact opposite one might feel in a worried or fearful state.

5. Star of Bethlehem 

Star of Bethlehem helps to soothe those who are in a state of shock. An unexpected event, accident, or overwhelming news is helped with this powerful flower essence. This is a strong essence that helps with the sense of loss or emptiness one feels when a loved one dies or moves away.  

An effective and time-tested remedy, the Bach Rescue Remedy is truly designed to help just about anyone dealing with an immediate emotional problem or frightful situation.

I find it is an essential go-to for every home’s cabinet of remedies.  It is especially wonderful to help with the stress of traveling!  Keep a small bottle in your car, purse, or at the office. You never know when you’ll need it!  

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With love,

Dr. Marissa

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